Sorry I missed this thread and started another the same ............ I blame old age. he was a great man and spent many years helping others less...
Saddened to hear of Jimmy Saville's passing. In the 80's and 90's he did an immense amount for charities across the UK and especially helping...
Having lived for some years in Edinburgh I can say that the loss/gain of the hour does matter to many; however I agree with Pete, let them sort it...
If they are 'Paper White' variety or similar then they can be very fast growing especially if indoors where they can flower in a very short space...
Many of the local allotment growers leave their dahlias in the ground as do one or two of my neighbours - seems there is no problem as they flower...
Hello Jack - your pelargoniums be they'Zonal' ( referred to as geraniums ) or Regals can survive easily through winter as long as they do not dry...
Use this around the garden, it does get a bit lax in the flowering period but is a great plant either as a feature or as you use it Shiney. There...
Wonderful Armandii - could happily join you and Ziggy for the Pina Colada bext summer - am afraid your joinery skills are way above my level as is...
I'm with you Merleworld. i get huge satisfaction and not a little pleasure from seeing plants come into growth every year without any assistance...
Forsythia/Buddleia/bluebells/Cotoneaster and lots more too numerous to mention but Russian Vine has to be the one I really cannot abide despite...
Agree completely with Miraflores - the answer is 9 .
Surely he's either in NZ with the rugby team or off writing that book he was talking about for so long............
Have a number of Monardas which I never touch in the Winter but sadly they tend to be a bit too thuggy in my garden, surviving and expanding in...
Best to treat them as you would Dahlias. I certainly dig them up down here and still have the odd loss over winter (storing in the greenhouse -...
Me too Jack - definitely pro Concorde. When living near Reading you could here it coming evey morning at 11 o'clock in the morning and you...
Whatever sized garden we have had (and we've had quite a few) I have always enjoed gardening. The pleasures of watching things grow, of the new...
They look like sloes to me. We have a whole lot of these on our golf course and plenty of people make sloe gin - if you do make it then be sure to...
It's certainly a Geranium but I cannot identify it. If it's anything like those in my garden it will take up a lot of space when flowering and can...
You can usually check if they are OK by just scratching a little area of the tree bark exposing the bare stem which, if alive shold be green. It's...
Hello Layla. Heleniums can be cut back either in Autumn (now is OK) or you can leave until early spring, the birds may have a peck at the seed heads.
Separate names with a comma.