Did a healthy 10 hours outside today! :yikes: With some help from husband of course. Potted on/repotted more things than I care to mention,...
We've repotted my edgeworthia chrysantha as didn't flower this year and was looking a bit sad (new leaves all yellow and mottled). It did look...
My cheapo roses (Mostly aldi, £1.79) are doing well now they are in their second year. They have all grown from a light prune into a nice shape...
Struggling camellia, only 2 blooms undamaged by frost and the new leaves are a funny colour (see to right of flower) Think I'm going to move it...
Yes, they will stand a chance. The moisture in the compost should be enough to get them going. You could give them a little bit of water but don't...
Yep pretty chilly here too @Sheal! I've got home from work, eaten dinner and am now off to bed. Feeling a bit down because I really wanted to get...
Mildew? I would remove those leaves.
I grew the vast majority of mine in pots last year to save digging, and sadly it was a mistake. The pots were plastic and by the time I got home...
All I did this evening was have a big seed sort out. Put a few to one side to take into school. Lunchtime today (with the kids) we replanted...
I used to be a member on there, but I didn't find it that friendly tbh.Welcome!
Cut the flowers off the bluebells once they are finished to stop them spreading. Pick off the yellow/black spotted leaves and dispose of them in a...
Added some water to coir bricks and left it to absorb and warm up til tomorrow. Will use my seed blocker to sow some wallflowers and perennials...
I have a spreading one too, given to me as a cutting. Think it needs to hang over a raised bed or small wall to really work though (still in pot...
I have a couple of the more tender ones, they are quite happy overwintered in a unheated greenhouse. In fact they have been flowering for over a...
I have a few small plants grown from seed last autumn, planted them out the other day. Will have to see if they amount to much.
I like petunias in hanging baskets.
If they get big enough they should overwinter in a greenhouse ok. Ive overwintered a young plant which now has flowers in full sun. I've not grown...
Planted up and potted on some small petunias I got from morrisons. Some have gone in hanging baskets and one in a pot with geraniums by the front...
My first rose bloom of 2016. 'For Your Eyes Only'. [ATTACH]
@merleworld where did you get the wedding gown hydrangea? I'm thinking as a wedding present for a friend. You have been busy buying, I'm jealous!...
Separate names with a comma.