Deadheaded some daffs and watered some things in the greenhouse. Feeling shattered today!
Those pictured weren't pinched out I don't think. I've found dahlias in the ground fairly sturdy except some decoratives as the flower heads get...
I am the teacher...they are Spanish ones but our school is city centre with no woodland for miles so no worries. The kids grafted to get them...
We had a huge family bbq today but I snuck out after everyone had left and dug up 3 buckets of bluebells, a large primrose and japanese anenome...
There will be plenty of room. Lavenders are not very fast growing in my experience, will just need a light trim (not back into old wood) after...
The low temperatures are getting on my nerves! Greenhouse is full to bursting at the moment. Tomtato seedlings are taking their chances in there,...
Ok, maybe there are 2 English breakfast- found another pic. [ATTACH]
I think that's 4 tubers in total there, 2 'natal' pom Pom and 2 decoratives- one is garden wonder and the other English breakfast.
I would wait a little bit longer woo, until threats of frosts have passed. If you need to put them in a bigger pot then so be it. Also protect...
Try this one...:heehee:[MEDIA]
Spent 2 hours today potting on things in the greenhouse. Most of my dahlias have buds showing or are shooting now which is nice. Put the paraffin...
I moved them last year and thought the same, they were just twigs for months. In fact I don't think they flowered until Autumn. Just leave them be...
My guess is Lady's Mantle is the yellow/green one.
I used seaweed feed on my potted bulbs last year and they have come back ok.
Hi @JackJJW, I have sprinkled on several handfuls. Probably 2 per metre. It's pellets. I will also pop a bit of plant magic food in with each one...
Here's mine planted under a rose called 'for your eyes only'. Photo from last June. [ATTACH]
That's ok! I think mine is 'wargrave pink'. I've noticed it is a lot more vigorous than the others I have.
Mine are at the same stage as woo's. Wish they'd get going as I'm hoping to take some cuttings before they go out! The bed is all ready now,...
What about hardy geraniums? I have a pale pink flowering one which seems to quadruple in size every year. Stated off with one plant and now have...
I know your Missus won't agree but 60cm is just too narrow in my opinion. You'd get a row of plants at best which would look like they were being...
Separate names with a comma.