I use coco coir as bedding material for my worm bin then mix it into my potting mix.I have experimented with coco coir as a potting mix for...
you will enjoy them, real old delight tang, compost look a bit coarse for seeds , a sign of the times not much decent stuff around Sandy
i will be planting onion sets today
12 of the fifteen toms sown wednesday are through and look good the 3 not yet showing are old seed so will give them a couple more days
Sown my first tom seeds 1st March, used to allways sow in January but found sowing now they soon catch up.
i used to grow approx 30 plants five plants of each variety, i also gave loads away this year i am only growing a dozen plants six varieties two...
i would say 200+ fruits in you first year was a great success, I think if you look through the tomato taste tests and grow some really tasty...
It was not normally so expensive i used to get it from my local garden centre for £5-99 per 75litre bag, cheaper if bought in bulk, I got it for...
I allways used the 75litre bags , a 60litre bag was the size quoted online that was another reason i would not buy sounded iffy
don't know the best supplier, i used to use Levingtons M3 but can not get hold of it last two years (i can get it online but refuse to pay £20+...
growth tech use humic and fulvic acid in loads of their organic fertilizers, I use quite a lot of their products, i like green future organic...
Cutting down this year as only one small greenhouse as the person who looks after my large greenhouse is finding it too much to look after when i...
I always line the inside of the planter with old compost bags then on the soil side i use landscape material so there is a barrier between soil...
grew crimson crush, bland taste
Nice, job done
Hi JWK i liked your post on the taste of Honeymoon and this post has convinced me they are a winner, i have ordered my seeds for next year regds Sandy
I think T & M have been doomed for a long time with excessive prices and their reputation for supplying wrong plants, i have not bought from them...
Hi Tomhip The varieties i grow are well posted on here in tomato taste test. Brief summary of my core of varieties I am always...
i stopped growing varieties like Ailsa craig years ago they are fine plants with loads of fruit but no taste, I grow for taste having experimented...
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