I got the rain I wanted, now can you make it stop?
Could it be wind burn? Frosts are a possibility as we've had some bad ones recently, I've lost the leaves on 2 weigelias and a golden mock orange.
It's a lovely day here, just planted the carrot seeds and planted out the peas I sowed in March. PLease can I have some rain tonight to get them...
I don't think they are a very good match do you? [img][/img]
Dancing Queen, I've taken a photo of our kitchen floor also from Trago, I think we may have spare tiles but not sure how many. Have you thought...
I got back home today to be told by my in-laws that they had spent 1/2 an hour watching a pair of green woodpeckers! I've never seen one so I...
Looks a bit like wind burn, cold winds can scorch and dry leaves like this. I would prune the dead bits out and wait for the new growth.
Cherry? I don't think willows flower. Could be Cheals weeping, can't help with the pruning though.
Hello Postman Pat! How's Jess? I've looked in my RHS book and it says to prune lightly after flowering as it will flower on the previous years...
Brilliant Whiley. Have you ever looked at 'I can haz cheezeburger?'? It's an hilarious site.
Lots of climbers to hide those ugly fences. Have a look in your library at gardening books and see which ideas you like, contemporary or cottage...
Hello Selcouth and welcome. I would go native, hawthorn, blackthorn, eglantine, english dogwood etc. Fruit bushes don't really get hedge like but...
My contribution is Lily of the Valley, the scent is really awful.
It could be like hydrangea I suppose, is your soil acid or alkaline? My RHS book says that both like fairly poor soil but doesn't mention anything...
I agree with Youngdaisy. Get rid of all the prickly stuff rake the grass over and cut it on a high setting. If you want to spend a little you...
Still eating last years beetroot GardenGuru, very yummy [img]
My peas are still in the greenhouse waiting for slightly warmer, drier weather. I planted them out under a cloche last year around March and it...
Mine took about a week to come through but they are in a green house (unheated)
Googled sticky weed and cam up with this. Goose Grass, Sticky Weed (Gallium aparine. Graet fun to play with :D
Separate names with a comma.