I'll have him, he can eat my plants :D
Hi Simon, here's my twopenneths worth, round the seating area plant fragrant plants such as lavendar which will send their scent out every time...
I like your ideas. You can, surprisingly, grow lots of things up a north facing wall as long as they are frost hardy. I had a climber called...
We have Charlotte, Osprey, Cara and Pentland Javelin, nothing too exotic but the Charlotte's last year were scrummy [img]
Hello Liston, cotoneaster springs to mind, the council seem to use these a lot in awkward places, not too much maintainance and good ground cover.
Thanks Helen, I was trying to think of the place we used to go and look at snowdrops. It was Hodsock Priory! So many different varieties but our...
You like to set a challenge Rosa :eek:
Hi Nathan, I put up a row of canes and tied garden twine between them then fastened the sweetpeas to the twine. I don't think the cnes were really...
No probs Layla and welcome. I'm battling ivy too, I keep thinning it out and pruning it like a hedge to the height I want. Enjoy [img]
Whoots my 700th post [img] :D only 300 to go for a 1000 :D :D
Hello CM, Birds like to have somewhere they can go and hide if disturbed whilst feeding. I put a bird feeder near my rabbit hutch where I could...
Growing sweetpeas in toilet roll middles gives them a longer root system. I grew mine in seed trays last year though and had no problems. You must...
I have to confess to cuting mine back last week when the sun was shining, It's still thriving but I don't know if it is the right time. I planted...
Hello Flowerpotty and welcome. I've looked up your plant in my RHS book and it says that it likes to be in the shade and that it should be pruned...
Found him! thought it might have been one of those dotty pictures, can't do them cos of having funny eyes [img] Apparently my brain is...
Had he been suspended Kathy?
Having just dug over the bed where the potatoes are going this year I was a little worried cos F-in-L has planted strawbwrries at the bottom end...
Hi Rosie and welcome. Buddleja need pruning after they have flowered cos the flower on new growth. I'm still waiting to prune mine cos it hasn't...
Hi Khampson, we have mint growing through part of our lawn. Why is it not good? Is there something I should know? It smells wonderful when mowed.
On Saturday I saw a red admiral in the garden, looking slightly moth eaten, and 3 bees. We went for a walk on the cliffs and saw 6 dolphins, one...
Separate names with a comma.