I go with alpacas too. We had Llamas across the road from us when we lived in Derbyshire and they are much taller than the ones in yoyr photos.
I think it's an M9 you need for a dwarf root stock or M27 for a very dwarf tree. You can get a self fertile cox and the victoria plum is also self...
I think the flowers resemble comfrey but the leaves are too small. I looked up Linnaea which does seem possible but it would be flowering very early.
Welcome back Blackthorn
Hi Pip, there is a hint of a cotoneaster about it but the little wormy things are puzzling me. Maybe some-one else knows.
We have four centres close buy which I use for different reasons, the closest is Trelawney and I go there if I'm in a hurry, they sometimes have...
Beautiful Lol, we planted 6 fruit trees at the end of last year and I'm looking forward to them blossoming.
Hello Jolanta and welcome, having seen the forecast for the rest of the week I would hold off planting anything! Some seed packets say you can...
Hello Moonbeam, I shall have a go at answering your questions but it may be a long one. 1- I have dabbled in gardening since I was a child but...
Very nice Scotkat, I have to say I quite like the frilly bottom, depends what it looks like on though.
5 - long tailed tits 3 - chaffinch 3 - blue tits 9 - greenfinch 2 - great tit 1 - magpie 1 - nut hatch 2 - coal tit 1 - robin 16 - starling 1 -...
Hello Pollyc, I don't think I may be much help but I have grown freesias outside in Yorkshire with no problems. If you've brought them in and the...
I've nipped into the garden and the hermaphrodite skimmia we have is Skimmia Japonica ssp Reevesiana
You can get a male/female skimmia that has both flowers and berries, I'll nip out and read the label later and let you know.
Oooh thanks for reminding me, I have some aconites I wonder if they are through yet, if it ever stops raining I'll go and have a look :D
Sounds lovely Gogs. It's baking day tomorrow so I think I'll have a go.
Had a little wander around the garden in between downpours, a little bit of cheeriness, the seasons can only get better [img] [img] [img]...
I'd get the chickens in now they'll demolish all the greenery in no time :D Seriously if you want to keep chickens on grass you will need a...
Thanks I'll inspect the molehill, maybe there will be some growth underneath
Do geraniums die back in winter? I planted one last year and now I can't find it, will it pop up again in spring? I am a little worried that it...
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