Thanks everyone, great suggestions, need to look up some of them. I have heavy clay soil and full shade. Also didnt want invasive varieties, but...
I like Lungwort, its looks great with Hostas too..
WelcomeSent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Bought 3 agapanthus bare roots as i gave up on seeds 25 liatris bulbs : gave up on growing these from seeds too.. 2 broom shrubs 1 prunus...
Hi all, I have prepared a new bed in a corner of my garden which gets little or no sunlight in winter but partial mid-day sun during summer. light...
Welcome.. you vl love it hereSent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
[ATTACH] Fatsia japonica verigata for £15 from local nursery :)
Wlcome to GC:)
According to my online readings, Its from pea family but not sweetpea... So not poisonous.Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
I had to remove my Hardenbergia because the leaves were going yellow due to waterlogging. If you see some obvious signs then I would suggest to...
@Kristen @Jenny namaste @Lolimac @chimneyrosegarden Mystery solved:cool:! after I got over the shock of mice attack, i went through my seed sowing...
Dunno if it was mice or something else:dunno:? I couldnt see any obvious places the mice have come into the shed. but I saw the seeds have been...
Sad story : Checked on my sowed seeds in shed.... Something ate all my sweet pea seeds.... :( literally dug them from the pot and ate them :(...
I heard they are slug and snail magnets! Any suggestions to keep them away?Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Yup northern is the busiest, always crowded!Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
It was too unmanaged and disorganised yesterday! took me 3 h to get to work.. things have calm down today.. i think most of commuters decided to...
Welcome to GCSent from my iPad using Tapatalk
StormSent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
Its interesting even with the slope its the top of the garden which is boggy. I would suggest to put some top soil, that often helps. And a path...
Mine is squelchy! Heavy clay soil. Used 6 tons of top soil and atleast 20 bags of compost when we did our beds before planting out, but no use......
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