[ATTACH]Good morning all!, did you have your pancakes last night?, I had four :) my hubby was making them when I got home, they where yummy!....
Thanks all :imphrt:we are all in a group on Facebook when you sign up, some take photos, video’s and when someone donates it’s all recorded on...
Thanks Victoria, got a few weeks to go but I may carry on :dbgrtmb:
[ATTACH] Over half way there and already beat my target, and it’s also keeping me fit :dbgrtmb:
I meant strange that we both have water problems at the same time living in different areas of England, turns out, they are building a big Estate...
Good morning all, Upsydaisy so glad to hear your water will be up and running soon, how strange it’s happened in a wide area here to, two towns...
[ATTACH] And very very windy :panic:
Vicky What’s going on with them poles!, can they not make there minds up on where to put them ? :heehee:Lori looking forward to seeing your...
Morning all :spinning:, Upsydaisy we have had the same problem, I got to work Wednesday and there was no water, it’s still the same only tankers...
Hi all, update on my mum, she’s got to have bloods done, scan and stool test tomorrow am, so it’s a waiting game, she seems to be eating a little...
Victoria sorry I missed this Aawe Thankyou, I will show her tomorrow evening when I’m popping round :) x
Thankyou Redstar I will send your wishes. I don’t think I’ve met Zig, Upsydaisy May know or Victoria :)
So sorry you had to go through that Victoria, must of been very scary times :grphg: for you both x
Sorry to hear that Victoria, she’s dropped a full dress size since November, did you have all them symptoms too ?
Pink skies forever :)[ATTACH]
:thankyou: Everyone I will send her your wishes xx
Hi all, sorry if I’m quiet, my mum isn’t well, we’ve noticed her loose quite a lot of weight in the last few months, Friday she was feeling sick,...
Sunrise Wonder[ATTACH]
Did anyone watch the last Happy Valley?
Separate names with a comma.