@DropmoreYes I attached the central shoot to that green cane, the rest has latched itself on to the round obelisk. I cut 'Westerplatte' down...
@lizzie27No Lizzie, just let it grow straight up, you might have to tie in some shoots. No need to train like roses.Marlorena..Like this...
They seem to grow quite well in parts of England actually. Here are a couple of photos.The first is from a garden in Lincs. open to the...
Lucky you! Not a problem at all for that rose, worry more about its thorns.Expect a height of around 6-7 feet in time, perhaps as much across..
I've lost my photos of 'Charles Darwin', but I remember it was vigorous, throwing up basals in the first year. The blooms turn a mustard colour,...
A couple of blooms of a climbing French Tea rose [no longer available UK].. the rose is around 6' tall x 10' wide. Strong damask scent,...
@MoodyBlooms..that's ok, it can be caused by fertilizer burn, usually by not watering in after applying, but also simply wind damage. They'll...
I can't get a close up of that, but if not 'Zagora Orange' it may be Rhodanthemum 'Sunshine Peach'.. which I have here..[ATTACH]
That's perfectly fine, nothing to worry about at all, it's just a bit behind. It may have been kept in cold storage for a long time before you...
'Marie Pavie' with its first bloom today.. it usually starts around mid April..[ATTACH]
@katecat58Clematis are inclined to strangle themselves. I would only snip off a tendril if it was enveloping a bud, otherwise I wouldn't bother.
2 new Clematis with their first flowers.. 'Propertius'.. a koreana type.. [ATTACH]..and 'Miss Bateman'.. early large flowered.. [ATTACH]
..my first bloom of the season, a bit smaller than it should be..''Sophie's Perpetual''.. [ATTACH]
Not that one, but Emerald Cushion Blue which is a different shade. No issues with molluscs. They are rather prickly though.
Indeed I do, and I'm pleased to report it'll be flowering very shortly I hope. It's a very early starter and a great rose to have in the garden...
I'd say JennyJB's clematis above is actually a macropetala, possibly 'Wesselton' or 'Maidwell Hall'.. one like that.. 'Multi-Blue' is a large...
I pinched out all mine today, I have 7 or 8 of these types, including herbaceous. I may pinch out again later on. You can also pinch out the...
Very lovely indeed, worthy of a glossy garden magazine..
Consider Ribes sanguineum 'Brocklebankii'.. it's about half the height of the usual types.So 'CoPilot' just told me ..
^very nice indeed, and I do like your Choisya 'Scented Gem'.. seems quite early for that.
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