Sacrificing upto 50% of the available light to control temperature never made any sense to me.
When you replace the cover i`d recommend using double poly and a small blower. Better insulation, automatic cover tightness. Poly loosens in hot...
Cable size will depend on what you plan to run off it and how long the cable is. Cable length affects the voltage drop. This calculator will give...
Is the compost too cold? I always use bottom heat to germinate superhots.
You should be able to calculate roughly how much heat you`ll need based on your dome dimensions and in/out temperature difference. It looks like...
A target of 85% RH is ideal for temps between 77F and 90F. You`ll find an overhead misting system very useful on hot days.
If its for all year round use, a wooden greenhouse is a good choice.
AB is a two part concentrated nutrient, part A and part B. Part A contains all the calcium which, in concentrated stock solutions has to kept...
John BER is a mainly due to calcium issues, there`s a lot of suspects though. Not enough Ca in the solution, too much P in the solution causing Ca...
Bio bizz has an odd NPK ratio, the grow formula is 4-3-6 and the bloom is 2-7-4. Toms need a lot of potassium (K) going into flower. Commercial...
stainless bolts would be best but could cost you more than the tunnel. If you coat zinc bolts/hardware with a thin layer of vaseline it`ll keep...
What was the price of the canna compost,calmag,biobizz nutrients etc, £50? :)
The topup bucket only needs to be deep enough for the water level and a miniature/low profile float valve. The overall height of a 10L bicket...
You can knock up a system pretty easily.[ATTACH]
The victorians were great innovators, most of the farm work and transportation of goods involved horses so they had an abundance of manure which...
You cant beat a bit of tinkering :) Your heater looks good, unique even. I would be a little concerned about having open troughs of warm water in...
The deck wouldnt work too well as a thermal mass :) I made use of the heavy clay soil under mine, digging a load of 4ft deep trenches and a 6ft...
If your greenhouse can top 80F on sunny winter days and you get plenty of sunny days, you can store the heat in the ground for use at night. I...
No worries, there was me thinking it was heatstroke :) Its hard to say what normal winter temps are here as we dont get normal winters anymore but...
I`m in a very sunny uk :) My thermometers tell me its 29.6C in the shade and 36C in the sun with just a whiff of a breeze. Traditional glass box...
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