It was either have a shower or water the Runner Beans & Potatoes..... I just use more Deodorant:whistle:
Can't do much in the garden, the builders next door are making clouds of dust, can't open the windows or door at the back, fed up.
27.6c The Toms are showing signs of going limp with the heat, I'm not going to shade them, yet.
Baked Fish with Baked Leeks in a Cheese sauce, plus new Pots & Rice.
I had four of them over the years, never let me down once.
Oh yes we all know a few of those lazy..........
My daughter & grandaughter are off out for the day, so I'm going into town for Egg, Chips & Coffee soon. I can't be bothered cooking for myself.
Easy for you to say:whistle:
Windy with Sunshine after the rain. 21c.
Started raining, so I won't need to use my Hosepipe perhaps:whistle:
I'm like you Upsydaisy, I tend as I age to be less tolerant in general. If someone tries to push in front of me then I tell them in no uncertain...
People who light a bonfire or smoky BBQ while I have washing out, some just don't think of others at all.
I give mine a small trim if needed.
As usual very interesting, thanks burnie.
Don't mention the War.
After It stopped raining I went on a Slug & Snail hunt:gaah:
22c, just nice to be in the garden after the heat.
I have a temperature gauge on my Fridge, I try and keep it to between 4c to 6c. I don't bother too much with use by dates, if it smells ok, it is ok.
I emptied a Potato Bag & will eating some for dinner with Butter of course:yes:
I did suggest this but I know she won't.
Separate names with a comma.