The fruit used to be used to make a tonic in the “good old days”. I think you would have to eat a lot to have any effect, it certainly has no...
Are you actually experiencing any issues with drainage?We used to have a garden with heavy clay and never had any issues. Nightmare to dig into...
I’ve grown Hakonechloa in deep dry shade under a tree, alongside Liriope muscari, Uncinia rubra, Berginia Oberture and Aster diveraticus. I gave...
I bought one of M&S thermal long sleeved tops last year to wear under our choir t-shirt. I makes me feel like the kid in the old readybrek advert,...
Our supermarket cherries are ripening now, nearly ready to sample. Also the Burlesque beefsteak, three or four are at the orange stage and some...
It’s unlikely you’ll find out for sure any sooner. Even a healthy blueberry plant would be losing its leaves fairly soon as part of its natural cycle.
A photo might help and also knowing whereabouts you are in the country. All helps give better informed replies.Re the preparation I’m not sure...
Very mild here, forecast says 18, but it is so gloomy. Light levels feel like November not September. Heavy cloud and very light mizzle, now and...
We often pick all the final ones green and ripen them indoors, but it’s too early yet. I usually do that well into October. In my experience, they...
Yippee, a couple of our tomatoes are finally beginning to ripen! :dancy:
Very autumnal in appearance here yesterday, misty and damp most of the day (but very warm with it) except for a brief burst of sunshine late...
I have given up doing pure leaf mould as a I haven’t a space I’m willing to sacrifice.We mow any leaves we collect and they go straight into...
Just keep mowing and most weeds will give up
Spent the morning in the garden. First time in a few weeks I’ve managed to get outside for any length of time. My gardening style is moving closer...
We shred a lot of paper and put that on the compost, envelopes, packaging, egg boxes, punnets etc @AuntyRach. Seems to make all the difference....
I would cut it out now then any new regrowth has a bit of time to harden off before winter
I certainly haven’t totally eradicated it, but I only have the occasional one pop up now and again
Thuja leaves when crushed have quite a nice smell, it’s described as like pineapple but I’m not sure I would describe it as that.
I’m not sure as we did method 1 first. I would have thought if you kept on top of it the first year you would have less the next and so on. As...
I use method 3 for the odd bit that appears in my garden (having done method 1 approx 8 years ago). I don’t think it matters how big or small they...
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