I don’t think Boris said anything wrong.Read the whole story not just the headlines. I think you will then agree that it’s being turned to make...
It is just another tax....Where does the money go I hear you ask ??????Well the government withdrew the funding for the so called breakfast...
Always expect the unexpected Zigs my friend....
Not necessarily... Headers do indicate two skins but stretchers do not mean there is not another skin behind it. It could be wall tied.
The government have reduced the budgets they give to local authority councils massively.So they allow the Councils to increase the council tax...
I would refuse. Builders think they can solve everything by buying people off.There is way to much building being thrown up these days. Our...
I think that once a person is within 10 years of the post age alterations cannot be made... IE I’m 6 years off now so I don’t think they can alter...
I feel for you my friend I really do. All I can do is wish you both the very very best.
I think you are absolutely spot on. I think it matters not which party are in power they are all the same. This is why we don’t want to get into...
Blimey I’m really so sorry to hear your story. It makes me ashamed to have had a wee rant in my post above.It is because of the stress and...
We that is my wife and I both have private pensions. Not big ones but they go some way.My wife is disabled now but she claims nothing. I am in...
Perhaps a bad choice of words on my part I do not seek to offend..My point is that I too have worked since 15 years of age. Paid in an absolute...
Your lucky.... my entitlement to the state pension has been moved back by two years to 67..... So don’t feel so hard done by at least you have it..
I have a picture in my head of mice hitch hiking along a road heading home .......:snorky:We get mice cos we live in the sticks but as they do...
I am currently taking TSB Bank to the Banking Ombusman....You can only get the account with 3% on the first 1500 quid and 5 quid a month cash...
They wouldn’t have me on jury service.Cos I’m criminally handsome.....Oh and when they hauled in the accused I shouted BRUV...............
We had some sunshine today....... Honest !!!!!! No really !!!!It looked wonderful ! The amber light to the spring.....Poetic that was :snorky:
Yesterday I was shovelling snow off the drive with a big coat and woolly hat. Today I was blowing leaves off the lawn onto the borders and having...
The fans are brilliant but they should be placed where they can pick up the heat and push it forward...i installed our multi fuel on a slate...
Brilliant !!!!! :snorky::snorky::snorky:
Separate names with a comma.