How about Bramley cooking apples can they be stored ?Was informed today that the tree with what we thought were cookers are indeed just that....
Thanks ! Shame they aren't keepers.. Are you sure that's what it is ? We are going to bag most of them anyway as there are two trees with the...
Hi. Having recently moved house we have a couple of apple trees which are bearing much fruit. We have no idea at all what type of apple they are...
I just can't help thinking the grief that could be caused is not worth the risk.To be honest the whole thing is so hugely complex I can't...
Mmmmm I was absolutely for out but...............Immigration lets face it is the big concern for many. Reality is it will hardly slow if we...
The knock on is the problem perceived or real .The market place here in Worcestershire was on fire from Febuary up until a few weeks ago. Now...
Sheal I just tried to reply to your post above. But I think I may have sent it as a private message or a conversation ? Sorry I do seem to have...
Thanks all ! @Sheal are you still on the Island ? I remember you were hoping to move over to the mainland ? Scotland ?
Hi all... Not been posting for a while but back now with a vengeance.The last two years have not been pleasant. My wife has been unwell meaning...
I do see what you mean but Trump is a class of his own.... I genuinly believe the American people see him as an alternative to the usual dross.
MMmmmm. Trump is crackers no doubt about it ... BUT if we had a candidate like that in the UK I wonder how that candidate would do ?I don't...
Not unlike my situation... Worked hard all my life . Now semi retired and 8 years away from pensionable age. My pension age is now 67. It should...
See my post above... The Torys are going to take money from the disabled.. They are going to change the system of points so many who now qualify...
Government raise the point at which we start paying tax by a few hundred.. So those at the bottom gain but heck it's not by much.For those who...
They are used to us paying them not them paying us....
Who are the homeless?Look in any city center you will find plenty of homeless. Feel free to ask them where they come from but its a fair guess...
I agree completely with both of the above comments.We should and absolutely must deal with the homeless and the people who are and have been...
Pete thats my sentiments. If we bail then if the remaining countries stay in they will I assume have to make up the financial deficit left by us...
Antony I think I understood what you said but may have replied in my usual cack handed way !We do of course live in a country with extremely...
Antony are you saying Kidderminster can accommodate 20.000 migrants ?If so Is there sufficient housing for them ? I would assume they would...
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