Well it's all instead now with pipes snaking around the borders over the pots and into the green house. It's set on the timer to water twice a...
We may be spending elongated periods of time away from the house..So looking at these automatic irrigation timers that set the hose going for...
Os.................. [MEDIA]
Bees are amazing. I ran out of petrol years ago and load of bees appeared and went in my tank . Job done !!
I'm sat here desperately trying so say nothing ............:snork::snork:
The expanding hoses are brilliant... Well not quite The problem with is is where the hoses meet the connections at each end they seem to either...
My point is that those who pay the most should have equal entitlement and it should never be taken away .Whether they choose to take it is...
I said :chosen to live on benefits: not those who have been ill.... There is a HUGE difference !! But I am curious to know the answer as to...
But my whole point is that the pensions are not benefits . We have as individuals paid a proportion of NI throughout our working lives to fund the...
How can you deny the same benefit to those who have paid in the most ? That is simply unfair ... There are some who hardly pay in anything yet...
I agree. The primer is the most important coat and should never be skimped on. I'm no fan of one coat wonder paints that have become popular as...
My son works in his spare time as a volunteer with the RSPCA.. He assures me they intensely dislike these devices. Is the article you published...
Not quite. We could apply that logic to many many things. Some people could get into trouble with a simple can opener.The thing is with these...
I say this with utmost respect as it's very easy to see you are a true lover of your dog and I applaud that ! If only every dog owner was .My...
On pensions... One thing that GREATLY annoys me is the now common used term "A pension is a benefit"Did they forget the money we paid in ? When...
I fully understand how these cages can be a good thing. But how about before they came about ? Our dogs had their own wee spaces where they would...
We had two Border Collies which we had from pups. Two very demanding dogs . Logan the boy went everywhere with me. He was so easy to train and an...
Pete you have my sympathies. It is of course the owners not the dogs. Faced with your situation I'm not sure I would not go round and thump the...
Just walking into someone's life and exercising compulsory purchase is damn barbaric. People have a right to their space and all the greedy...
Separate names with a comma.