Thanks Ladybird, Rob's eye seems slightly better today and he is also a bit brighter in himself. From what the vet said we are in for the long...
I have had a few frantic days with Rob. I took him back to the vet on Thurs. as I was sure he had gone blind in his right eye, despite the anti...
Having read Beverley Nicolls Down the Garden Path many years ago I have tried to grow winter flowering shrubs. With varying degrees of success. My...
Not doing a lot. Watered the remains of the tomatoes, picked a couple of half ripe ones to finish off indoors and picked up the remains of some...
Cornwall Very wet and soggy.
The forecast put me off even contemplating doing any gardening. I washed down the tiled wall behind the sink in the kitchen, there were cobweb...
Cornwall Intermittent rain during the night. Dark and overcast now. Very wet outside. Heavy downpours forecast, with thunder and t
I thought it looked like an aconite.
Cornwall It started raining around 2.00pm and hasn't stopped.Relentless.
Sorry, I do not own a mobile phone. All of my best friends are now dead so I would end up talking to myself!
I only know the bog standard one as above, there are a few named varieties about which I know nothing.The flowers are fragrant on tiny plants...
Whoops! Apologies for duplicating.
What about Lonicera fragranstissama?. Non climbing bush honeysuckle. Evergreen. Fragrant tiny butterfly flowers. Dec.- March Moderate growth rate....
Pear. No dea. Lonicera nitida Baggeson Gold Viburnum tinus Daphne. Flowering time and colour of flowers needed. Berberis purpereum Osmanthus.
Remember that plants do not stop growing when they reach the height "we want". They never stop growing so if you plant something fast growing you...
Cornwall. A dry day until late afternoon yesterday when the rain came in for the rest of the evening.This morning there is a low mist, very...
I thought I could see a few Black Spots on the leaves on the leaves of the sickly one. You may well lose that bush, Black Spot is the scourge of...
Cornwall Grey, overcast, cool, dry.
My cream ginger lilies, lots of flowers, lovely display.
Separate names with a comma.