Our local GC's have stopped taking empty plastic pots for recycling. I found them very useful for replenishing my stock as well as clearing my...
I have just topped up the pond and done a little bit of weeding of pots. Discovered my first primrose flower and an azalea in full bud. I was...
I certainly do wish you all the luck you need. I have a constant battle with brambles climbing over the banks around my garden. They are like...
Good luck with your clearing project. Brambles are a nightmare to get rid of but once the grass is sown and growing constant mowing may well work...
I have just put my home made candied peel to soak under rum, ready to use in my C*******s cake. It takes a good few days to dissolve the sugar and...
I had the luxury of my daughter and son in law coming for a couple of hours to plant my tulips and reclaim some grit ready for me to plant my...
I also watched the Remembrance Service, which always reminds me of my great grand father and grandfather who were life time soldiers. Both of them...
Tree heathers should be trimmed back each year to just below the bottom of the dead flower spray to keep them in shape. I would remove a few of...
Dull. grey. mizzling, boring.
I can only find Cheesy footballs in B&M's. You have to be quick as once they have sold their Christmas stock there are no more until next year. I...
Rob is improving slowly with each day but of course, the internal wound needs more time to heal. I have noticed the bucket impairs his hearing and...
Oh dear. Poor Rob. He had his stitches out but has to keep the bucket on for another week, no bath yet either. I went on to B&M after going to...
Rob and I are off to the vet hopefully to have his stitches removed and his bucket discarded. Then it is going to be a lovely bath for him to get...
I will try to remember you noisette 47 next time I am having a clear out. I think I might try burying the small bulbs under the new ones to grow...
I had to go and collect some more anti biotics for Rob so put him in the car with me and went on to the garage to fill up with petrol. I then took...
Another grey day. Yesterday the mist came down around mid day and it was very dark soggy and miserable.
As a dog and cat owner, and someone who deliberately did not put a lawn area in the garden when I moved here may I suggest you lay a couple of...
Not really. I usually buy the white Lillium Regale for the scent. I have tried all of the local GCs, none have any lily bulbs in, they have...
Grey, overcast, miserable, damp, misty autumnal weather.
Separate names with a comma.