I definitely felt tired and achey yesterday.Just took Paracetemol and didn't do much.
My well established Lonicera fragrantissima is looking rather similar, minus the mildew. I think your plant may be starved but they do lose some...
Cornwall. Well! After all of the dire weather warnings etc. yesterday turned out to be a lovely day! Rather breezy it is true but sunny, dry and...
A large stockpot of chutney is now made ready to be put into jars.I had a call from the vet last night with Rob's test results. Bless him. He is...
Morning, Yes it is a relief to have Rob home, a bit like leaving a child in the hands of experts for surgery etc. You cannot explain to animals...
It is not a good idea to sort out a pond in Spring because that is when invertebrates are laying eggs and hatching etc. My pond is small, 6ft in...
There is the chance the seeds were in the grit surrounding the gravel you have put down so the seedlings have not pushed through the weed membrane...
Cornwall A glorious day yesterday Another lovely morning. Lots of blue sky and sunshine. The calm before the storm that is on its way in. Strong...
What a glorious day weather wise.Poor Rob had to stay at he vets for 3 hours. He was very wobbly and woozy when I picked him up as the...
Yes, we had a stunning moon last night. I didn't need to put the light on when I went to bed it was so bright. Lovely to look at, a shame it...
Cornwall At the moment there is wall to wall blue sky and there be sunshine when the sun finally gets out of bed. A lovely day to look forward to....
Don't we all!
OOOHHHH! Is that what is happening. I have recently wondered at some of the responses to my postings as well.
Not a lot going on down here in the SW. Too wet. Picked all of the blight damaged tomatoes yesterday. I ended up with 3 1/2 lbs of green tomatoes...
Cornwall Horrible. A second day of low, dark, drippy, wet, grey, thick mist. Torrential rain last night for hours. Everything is sodden and...
Do you know what type of bamboo your kind neighbour has given you? Do you know they can take over a garden very quickly and are almost impossible...
Oh my! Did I get it wrong yesterday. The telephone consultation was with the surgery pharmacist. She was so determined to persuade (bully) me into...
The berries on my Callicarpa are colouring up nicely, an irredescant purple, a lovely splash of colour. Till the birds eat them!
A frustrating day yesterday. Asked for chappie from a local charity group to collect my donations before 12.00 as I had a Drs. appointment at...
The last 2 years I have had blight in my greenhouse, it was never a problem before. I think I am going to have to write this years crop off and...
Separate names with a comma.