CL1.1 agreed to give his old bike that he's grown out of to CL1.2. So as 1.2 is only 3, I thought we'll make it into one of those balance bikes...
I hear of lots of fascinating behaviours of country folk.
I can't seem to find the what we're listening to thread, so I'm sticking this here.When I was a teenager, I was of course a fan of the pop/rock...
Hello and welcome.I absolutely love the walls. It could become a most excellent walled garden. So much potential. Personally I wouldn't try too...
And there it highlights a fundamental flaw in human nature.We still, despite everything we know, judge based on size.Something that is small...
I kind of agree, but at least he's clear about his attitude. His main rival, Hillary Clinton, always looked to me like she was hiding her true...
A mere technicality. It's still the same people (well descendents of) and culture. Whereas 300 years ago, British, French and Dutch land thieves...
It depends what kind of rice, and how it's prepared. Rice it's self doesn't really taste of very much. It's just to bulk things up. Or to use as a...
I came across this concept after a little bit of research and a little bit of experimenting after a lad a work mentioned something.I love fried...
It's true. When I think about my past interactions with gingers, they were all very feisty.
Trumps main fault is his blatant xenophobia. Statements like that he'll build a wall to keep Mexicans out and make Mexico pay for it, or not a...
I assumed as much. I wasn't having a dig at you when I remarked about some people being surprised. I was generalising. The makers of the TV...
I'll try to remember to watch it tomorrow after I've been to sleep.But from the description in the link, I guess it's further proof that monkeys...
Trump is undeniably an bit odd. But I think he's got his head screwed on.
You can't do a diagnosis over tinterweb. If you try, you will terrify yourself. By all means, we can all share what we've learned, but many things...
Could be. Could also be many other things.I sprained the muscles and tendons in and around my knees last year. My legs were always cold below...
I wouldn't be worrying per se, but I'd be asking the GPs opinion.I know loads of people who experience a similar phenomenon. I've had it myself....
Is your blood circulating well enough in your feet?That's not as daft a question as it might sound. A lot of people get reduced blood...
Surely if they are insulating, then the heat generated by your feet should stay in them.I have thick wooly boot socks that go over my normal...
Fifth pic down from top: Are you tiny or is that deck chair enormous?Very nice work by the way.
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