A new low?Mia Ayliffe-Chung: Backpacker murder not "terror attack" - BBC NewsA British girl that was murdered in Australia has been named by...
Is that what dictates the opinion of the average American these days? I surely hope not. I've always credited our American brethren with more...
You're probably right. I can get all the short-sighted, narrow minded, prejudiced misinformation I need all in one convenient place, right here on GC.
I didn't say that. But as you've said it, yes, probably, it seems to fit with what I've seen in the media and Trump's official Facebook posts and...
Yes. And Trump has pledged to fight it and get the travel ban reinstated as soon as he can.He has many thousands of unquestioning moronic...
We get a month's worth of rain in a day at least once a month these days I reckon.Maybe it's time to recalculate the averages.
You're missing the point.It's nothing to do with border control.Trump has tried to exclude people that already live there legally, and work...
Yep. Building a wall along the Mexican border is going to keep all the Muslims out. And banning entry even for residents will surely keep the...
Don't you have to pay import duties on stuff from the US? My mate bought a leather wallet from a US based online shop. He bought it because it was...
All the prices are in dollars. Is that cos it's an American site?
I saw a documentary a while ago.The people of 1930s Germany were fed similar propaganda.
Did anyone elect Mussolini though? And did thousands publicly support him even when they didn't have to?
What I don't understand is this.In the UK at few years ago, Tony Bliar ignored the rule of war and took us to war with Iraq, a country that had...
It's on the news right now. A judge has overturned Trump's executive order banning travel from those 7 countries.Trump has vowed to use...
Any country should have the right to control it's borders. Certainly nobody from the UK can criticise America for wanting to do that, given that...
The best song ever made. Well, maybe, depending on your mood at the time you listen to it.[MEDIA]
You might change your mind later once you've seen how fast weeds can develop in the lovely warm, humid environment of a greenhouse.
Fearful Americans Stockpiling Facts Before Federal Government Comes To Take Them Away
It's devastating. I can't think of anything worse. Let's forget that half the world is either at war or threatening it, that literally millions of...
Separate names with a comma.