[ATTACH] Wallflowers, nearly forgot I had bought these, today..Are they any good in planters, these are of concrete construction. Do not think I...
Ours comes from sawing wood for logs which maybe is finer, I scatter it around the wood shed which is damp as lower than neighbours garden and...
Sun going down to sleep now, been a lovely sunny day:hotsun: with lightweight coat on just now as doing some more weeding...:catapult::heehee:no...
We had Cows come into our Garden in the previous home in the UK we were right next to Pebsham Farm..sadly not a farm now..and we had permission to...
The new fence is a much more solid cant rail job. The posts have concrete reinforcing spurs, so they'll stay up even with ground level rot, and...
:grphg: @Upsydaisy I agree, but your way out in front of moi.:cry3:
I bought some more plants today, Ceanothus Delight that grows to 100 cm so that has gone in a long planter by our small everyday room along with...
I would have a go and re-plant them...after all there are two choices for them if you do and one choice if you don't..:) I would soak them in a...
Keeper of the Castle................The Four Tops [IMG] :heehee:
The Flame Still Burns......................Jimmy Nail [IMG]...
I use to just bury a few pruning cut offs and had some success and still do it to this day and I get the odd one that grows some roots, none have...
Good Morning All, Be Kind and Be Safe,Just saying and Reminding.. Weather.......... around 10 degrees and Clear Skies :)Minimum of 9 degrees...
I had a Korean Fir Tree that had 100's of mauve cones after a few years and intend to purchase another one over his way if I can find one..Little...
A New Flame ..........................Simply Red
Mississippi........................Pussycat :dbgrtmb:
that links it in the words some way''...got it...:dbgrtmb:
Sorry @Upsydaisy I am a newby:stirpot::cry3:
I do not like it:hate-shocked:, I will not contest this, but I will except the decision on the basis of the ruler rules the Roost....:mute:....
Separate names with a comma.