Does anyone else get emails in response to customer enquiries/complaints which state at the end that "this email has been sent by someone outside...
Lettuce admittedly won't be sufficient on it's own to stifle your hunger. The likes of veg, potatoes, pasta /rice are affordable if you are...
I must be missing something here.......what jab are Labour planning to use on fat unemployed people ? Is it designed to make them thin and...
The money isn't just sitting in the bank........quite robbers and safe breakers must be having a hard time of it lately :biggrin:
One thing this govt appears to be making clear is "don't bother living within your means or saving for your old age ". They want both investment...
That must be very frustrating for you @Goldenlily26 . Haven't had a problem with blight here since 3 years ago and that only affected some of the...
OH and I are having the flu jab tomorrow at the GP surgery. As for the Covid, despite OH receiving a letter telling him he is eligible for...
@Mozziedodger Hope you enjoy your first foray into a Gardening Forum and that you will pick up some useful advice/tips and, as time goes on,...
Slow release are usually a uniform colour/size and the pics don't really match. Happy squishing anyway @Victoria :biggrin:
They look rather shiney" for the slow release pellets - could they be eggs ? Have you tried squishing a couple ? I find the slow release...
I don't know about Aloe vera in liquid form -the only use I make of my plants on a regular basis is to slit a stem and use the "gel" to help heal...
If the report that K Starmer cannot afford to pay back the £16 K is true, then surely he should not have put himself up for PM if he knew that his...
Thanks @JWK - not had it here luckily.
What is "alternatia" @JWK ? I've not heard of that altho it sounds as if it is self explanatory in a way ! TIA
@ViewAhead I think these days, education establishments are taking over the role of parents in all sorts of ways. A school/college/university...
Not so different from the RNLI then - "collecting" outside the SM some time ago so I offered a couple of £1 coins as I have always felt it was a...
Unless the accordianist was actually asking for payment ( as opposed to simply accepting money from passersby who felt his music was worth it ) ,...
I have something similar in this garden - tho without the fence problem. Raised beds 3mts. long, 0.5 mts high and i mt wide. I bought a clear...
Gosh.......that's quite a little forest you've got there. Nice GH too :)
What happens if you are old and decrepit, don't own a mobile phone but just rely on a landline phone and find it difficult to keep up with all the...
Separate names with a comma.