I'm not disagreeing as such @ViewAhead - exploitation in one form or another is rife thruout the world. Trouble is, elected govts often seem...
A BBC World Service article on "From our own correspondent". A teacher in Lagos who is running his own organisation to save wild/trafficked...
I'm not sure you can condemn all forms of philanthropy tho. If you take a philanthropist as someone who does something to benefit mankind, I'd...
Not only infirm in body and bladder but brain too if standing for hours just to listen to Trump ranting and raving and cheering him on in his...
Not to worry @pete - I don't think Putin realised there was a "war" going on either - just some kind of military exercise. Be cheaper if he'd...
Trump's celebratory ranting taking over the news. Oh well - never mind - at least one war ( Russia/Ukraine ) has only another 24 hours to go...
Looks familiar but can't bring to mind. @Silver surfer is excellent at ID's so hopefully will see this :)
I've always found G de M a well behaved plant. I've used the hard green wire netting to grow it up in my current garden to camouflage my oil...
As said, it is really only worth growing things you like to eat so you need to pick and choose accordingly. Size of containers will also need to...
Whether or not people agree that Israel had a right to form their own country in the Middle East after the continuing horrendous actions against...
Israel is already making it clear that even if the "ceasfire" goes ahead, the war is not at an end. It's a simple swap of prisoners/hostages from...
You could say that @Tidemark :biggrin:Yes of course @Obelix-Vendée Despite being a former horse rider I'd completely forgotten that usage -...
The use of the word "hack" instead of tip/advice - eg "5 hacks to cut your bills". As far as I knew, the use of Hack/Hacking always implied some...
@JennyJB ..........irresponsible but never miss a photo opportunity - it's inbred with politicians :biggrin:
@CanadianLori I'm sorry to hear that you feel people are not sympathetic to Canada's present plight. From what I understand from a friend in...
Yes - the Arum italicum spread fairly quickly when happy. Quite a few here and I do like the bright orange berries. My Hellebores are budding...
Hello @ChiveTalking Hope you enjoy using this forum - it is a nice friendly place and, as you've discovered, lots of gardening info / advice...
I do remember reading/hearing something along the lines of concern about "emissions" from Crematoria. People don't really have much choice at the...
I've never tried Lemon but it sounds reasonable as @AuntyRach says. I don't buy cut flowers but when I pick my own I just dissolve demerara sugar...
Never realised Musk had a father as such - just assumed he must have been the result of a couple of computers having an affair. Shame really as...
Separate names with a comma.