I understand both Greenland and Panama have declined Trump's kind offer but it wouldn't be a total surprise if he didn't try to get one of his...
Speaking from some painful experiences, I'd say it's always easier to slide down than climb up @pete :biggrin:
Not Nationwide but some of this smacks of my bank recently asking me to confirm or deny that I was a Spanish Tax Resident. I too think some of...
@Jiffy Can't do that - what would our MP's do without their 2nd home allowances, cheap food/booze, travel expenses, guaranteed pensions and all...
My GP surgery amused me a couple of years ago - they were obviously doing an update on the ethnic origin of their patients. When completing the...
@Jiffy I wouldn't worry - I think everyone can read and understand your posts :)
Sport........... a game involving bodily exercise. Why are Darts, Snooker, Billiards classed as a sport on Sport News ? When do games become...
@shiney you only stopped with the decs 40 years ago ??? I'll see that and raise you another 10 years :yes:
Garlic has long been considered to guard against evil spirits - whether deterring the spirits by eating raw garlic and then breathing over them or...
Why do new driving licences require a photo ? What difference does it make ?Every official document seems to require a photo as proof of ID (...
Speaking of trolleys, some SM trolley users could do with passing a test of some kind too. A lot of them don't realise we drive on the left here...
Perhaps it's time to bring in tests for all those who set foot or wheels on either roads or pavements. Once you step outside the confines of your...
The dreaded "pre order" is rearing it's ugly head again.
@KT53 your comment on the Brit in Spain sadly didn't surprise me - just another example of the ex pat culture. Even my parrot learned to say...
Biden definitely wasn't the best example as Leader of the Free World ( I think that's what they still call themselves ?? ) but Trump is smarter...
Less than 3 weeks to go before Trump becomes President of the US :mad:
I've never agreed with the Lords and Ladies stuff but I do think some people should be recognised for their achievements within their communities....
Be interesting to know whether the familiar term for "you" is taught in schools now. As per @noisette47, it was more or less ignored in my school...
Hope the results arepositive @noisette47 and that you can start 2025 in good health :)Just another day for us so no celebrations here.
Years ago, I used to host English Language students who attended the college in town. Mostly French, Spanish, Italian and German. The evening...
Separate names with a comma.