My Moan....[ATTACH] :poo:
Just pierce the bag with numerous holes to allow in air. This is what some people do to get leaf mold. Takes a year or so.
I move mine under cover but outside to protect from the wet and ice in winter. Feed regularly as they fill their pots with roots quickly. Have...
Now I'm not really a chilli guy more a sweet pepper freak. But I've grown a few basket of fire, loads of fruit on them so thought give one a go......
Will be adding a bag of burning peat to my coal order this year. Has anyone tried using it ? I'm thinking it's basically the same as horticultural...
Have you taken it out of pot to make sure its draining properly? Might have a blocked drain hole/ poor drainage.If so take out rootball dry a...
I put 50ml seaweed with 2 aspirin in a 10 ltr can ,watered at the base. The Bayer Fungus Fighter was old stock no longer available in UK I think.
Sowed mine later this year. Outdoor San marzano and crimson crush coming along. Not removing so many side shoots and theres more flowers on them....
Our box hedge got hit badly last summer leaving the top completely browned off. Box balls untouched as usual. More air around them I guess. Was...
Got the tomatoes potted up and into the greenhouse today June 18th ! Mental. 3 weeks later than last year,just so cold. Glad I started them late....
:blue thumb:
Grew some extras last year from seed. Cactus . Of course as well-known seed is hit and miss with many seed companies these days it seems.
"Sick" Street for something that's exceptionally cool..........oh really?One that really grates with me.....Scottish TV journalists that...
Really left my sowing late this year and then didn't get round to potting them on for weeks either.So now they're only a couple inches high,...
Just spotted our first House Martin back from its holidays.
14_15% bleach kills off the spots. Bac. 50 also,not tried that one myself. Very toxic so full protection for you and wildlife. 30 quid for 5 Ltr...
Illegal to disturb nests. Potential fines. In reality cats do far more damage. Only yesterday neighbours ginger cat happily munching away on a...
Thats mine up and running. 48 hour germination for the first ones Honeycombe. No room as I still cant move for bleedin peppers lol.
If the F16 s fly into Russia then give your kids and grand children a last goodbye hug.There won't be any winners to gloat, just a few...
Another electric malfunction. Electric Jaguar rammed off road by police after brakes fail in 90mph ‘terror ride’
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