Amorpha Juglandis , the Walnut Sphinx Moth deters attackers by producing a high pitched whistle.
Hi @Luseth , welcome to Gardeners Corner !:)
Ahh … l was thinking of the very early ( 10th century or so ) cultivated carrots. That’s a very interesting question you raise @NigelJ , re....
Carrots were originally purple.
The juice from bluebell flowers was historically used to make glue.
@JWK , l think if you leave the wood chippings as a surface mulch it should not overly affect the soil under . In my experience it’s when it’s...
Thanks @strongylodon , we visited Arne reserve in 2019 when we were on holiday in Swanage. Thoroughly enjoyed our day there , very nice all...
The Hurting had mixed reviews when it first came out but is now rightly considered a classic.
Wow ! Tears for fears The Hurting and Songs from the big chair , also Big Country. The Crossing . Those three albums ( on vinyl !) were the...
Good luck! and don’t forget you have a great band here of keen and experienced gardeners to help you with any queries you may have . :)
It’s been going for many years, l think it’s one of the best of its kind.
Hi, and welcome to Gardeners Corner ! . I think that it could be Common Birds Nest fungi , common on decaying organic matter especially woody...
The Horticultural Correspondence College in Devon . :smile:
My son did the RHS general as a home study course a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s wide ranging in content and is a recognised...
Hi @Kelc , welcome to Gardeners Corner ! .
Small pockets of air inside cranberries make them bounce and float in water.
If you are putting them outside just check that the surface of the compost is moist every few days , and water if drying out. This time of the...
Strongylodon Macrobotrys , the Jade Vine is pollinated by bats.
Welcome to Gardeners Corner :sign0016: , @greenfingers !
Welcome to Gardeners Corner @JordanCornish ! . Your bulbs will be fine in those pots , in fact they will grow and flower quite nicely there ,...
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