Still 40mph+ winds here , after a stormy night , 7c but with wind chill feels more like 2c. Ruffles up my fur something rotten ! :)
Had a variegated one of these years ago , seem to remember it turned pink in the winter ! Lovely plants. :)
“ I’m Walking Backwards For Christmas “. The Goons :santagift:
If you are thinking of column fruit trees , you could consider the Ballerina apple varieties, Minarette varieties and Super Column apple , pear...
Hope you feel better soon @Lem , TC
Yes , it can be grown in container ,with support such as trellis etc . Use a loam based compost such as John Innes No3 , much better for long...
Yes , l would certainly cut the perforated pot away and pot up in the red pot. It does sound like you have a containerised tree here , one that...
I think it is most likely that your tree was grown in the open ground and lifted , root pruned and popped into the pot. You will be able to see...
Wow !! You are certainly testing the boundaries with those two , in your location , sounds like the Mimosa likes it though. :)
A warm welcome to the forums ! :)
I’ve just had a scroll through Cacti & Succulents , l don’t think l need any books as long as you folk are around !!.:)
I’ve just noticed that there is a Cacti and Succulents section under Garden planting discussions !! . Duh !! , time for my tablets ……….
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @HarryS !! Hope you have a great day :SUNsmile:
I’m really getting into growing succulents and would love to find an in depth book covering most genera , care , propagation , etc. Any...
I never knew that you could ask for different colours inside and out !!. This GC forum certainly expands the mind :)
So there you have it @lizzie Grouch ! Look forward to hearing about the progress of your borders !! :)
I have always been given to understand that “horticultural “ grits have been washed to remove natural salt , which could harm susceptible plants...
If the green leaves are still firmly attached then l think it has every chance of recovering , the most important thing is to check that the...
I sympathise completely , went out earlier to pick up a huge pile of leaves that had conveniently blown into a tidy pile , my nose fell off and...
@gks do you have Elephant garlic available ?
Separate names with a comma.