Welcome Staffordshaun,like wiseoldowl i to am starting growing veg this year.So will be great to exchange notes and tips. Welcome to the great GC...
Olive press.Hi my friend,no i've had a rotten day the weather has been terrible and just could'nt get going.Just stayed indoors watching the...
End of a wooden barrel
serving dish for olives etc. [img]
Or maybe indoor junction box [img]
Outside(garden maybe) electric box. [img]
Stone cider bottle carrying handle. [img] [img]
A handle/strap for carrying a container.
A seal to keep the lid on a drinks container/storage jar. :eek:
Bottle opener
HI Gogs,you are having such bad weather up there i do feel for you. I saw on the tv. the tay and tummel had overflowed.We may have winds and rain...
A rubber collar for trees/shrubs?
Hi Percyt,welcome to GC,hope you enjoy all of the friendly banter and advice we're so lucky to have on this site.so nice to see someone again...
Steam (brilliant)Flying or Sailing
Hi lol, is it a rubber ratchet to open bottles etc?
Thanks supersprout,good link, so much to learn. Any hints about red kidney beans,do i soak them first or just sow them in pots?. Thanks again....
Lol what are you on!!!! [img] [img] [img]
Village peopleCan't think of anyone else. [img]
Wooden step with a ten pence piece on it
Separate names with a comma.