Silu, take it all to your local jewellers, they should offer a better price than the touts who say they pay the best price for bullion.
Hot, hot, hot yet again.
I`d better check ours out ASAP,
TWO green wheelie bins PLUS a garden waste dustcart? Flipping `eck you are lol lol
Did you remember to have the bin emptied shiney?lol
Max, the brickwork should be fine. As for the timber, I would give any untreated timber several coats of a water-based preservative.
If I may add to JWK`s advice. Prepare the receiving hole first by forking in some bonemeal to the bottom of the hole. Also mix some in with the...
They are cute though,
Get some Root Out, drill several holes in the stump, fill the holes with the killer then cover the stump with some polythene, (to keep away any...
Clueless, apparently, 3 hours gardening is the equivelent of a 1 hour intensive workout in a gym.
00000000000000000000000000001348Snorky, whatever you do, don`t let FC know about the
Mowerman, Violets would be more apt for your
I only sowed my carrots and parsnips 3 weeks ago and I expect to harvest them about November time.
Dave instead of trying to poison everything, do as Pete and Shiney suggest and pull the weeds out, It is cheaper, easier and quicker.
It does to me
A very Happy Birthday from me also Gogs.
Hot, hot, hot.
Harry, we must have overwhelmed him with our
Separate names with a comma.