Mowerman, I wish I had done 20 years ago, what you are doing now. Best of luck in the new direction you are going.
We shall see who`s right in the New Year
Believe it of not, you need a license to tackle it, another just to cut it down, another to burn it, yet another to dig it out and don`t even ASK...
I have to disagree clueless. You only have to press a couple of buttons to find out when the phone was last used.
It looks more like an Osteospermum to me Nigel.
Phil, 2 questions, has the area always been a lawn or has there been features there before? What have you got the blade set on, because I think...
In my opinion, anyone using a phone while driving should be treated the same as a drink driver.
Tight means FOUR words.
00000000000000000000000000001348Cold spell
If he sows now, any seeds, young grass plants, will be killed by the winter weather. Mowerman, if you know what you are talking about, you will...
When caught the culprit/s should receive the same treatment.
Sam, you have NOT messed up. You are being confused by too much, so called, expert advice. Do not worry which grass seed you use. Forget about...
Adam, the images are not showing. Also, may I ask, what are the "cable sections"?
I look forward to the outcome also.
What`s the variety Kimberley?
Good evening Nimis` and welcome to the site. You have Fuchsia magellanica Riccardii I believe.
Good evening Gillian and welcome to the site. My bit of advice would be, STOP lol lol
Mowerman. I would say, go for it. It will probably cost a couple of thousand, BUT, when you have the certificates and licences you will soon get...
Separate names with a comma.