10 degrees and still, bit misty but the sun is trying to peep through, off for another walk.
The woodland walk was a nice one....... [MEDIA]
A classic Autumnal day, dark( I have my desk light on), 10 degrees, misty and not a breath of wind, will pop out for a woodland walk in a bit now...
I've been missing in action, flew to Christchurch(Bournemouth) for a family wedding and the weather was no better than here, we now have 11...
Plenty of Gorse in flower round here during the winter, bit of a devil to mow the lawn round if they are in your garden though, ask me how I...
Been a pleasant enough sort of day, awoke to thick fog but the sun burnt through and we got to 12 degrees, almost dark now with a lovely red sky...
It's a sweaty 16 degrees here in the Costa del Montrose, I just know we are going to pay for this, I'm usually looking for my crampons and...
Gardening for me has pretty much finished outside, so now I begin next years planning, drawing up plans for what goes where in my crop rotation...
A dry, overcast 12 degrees with a gentle breeze, nice enough sort of day
We had a lovely sunrise, then it vanished into the clouds again, 12 degrees, dry and breezy, possibility of a shower.
RIP to a Gentleman
Overcast and 11 degrees today, but will hopefully stay dry
This was Saturday, Sunday was wet, now today is the same as Saturday again [MEDIA]
Suns out here, been for a walk round the village roads, it's windy, but at least it's dry and the sun is doing it's best, 14 degrees now, with the...
Windy and wet, but not stormy yet, 11 degrees, but the fires lit to keep the dampness out, we both have arthritis, so feel it when it's damp.
11 degrees, calm and overcast, stormy winds forecast for tomorrow though.
Been a mild grey day in Perth today, had a shower whilst me and one of the Grandsons did the town(well his favourite coffee shops, he's too young...
Thick cloud, so no hunters moon here
14 degrees, blue sky and breezy, seemingly we had very strong winds overnight, I slept through the lot and never heard a thing.
12 degrees and quite heavy showers, so dark I have the lamp on at my desk, doesn't feel cold though.
Separate names with a comma.