Plans beginning for 2025, first thing will be to sow Onion seeds this month in the heated prop, they will be in the conservatory to begin with,...
Morning..............minus 1 with a rather weak sun trying to burn some clouds off, but failing, could snow later.
Bright and breezy 6 degrees with a chance of sleet or snow later, have a good day all.
Bright sunshine and 12 degrees, but temps forecast to plummet later, was rather damp and grey in Perth yesterday, so this is a nice change.
Had an early start in the local forest, rather dark and cold, but the birds lit up the morning [MEDIA]
Now zero degrees after -6 overnight, now bright blue skies and not a breath of wind, birds are fed, fire lit and brekkie on the go(yes I am a tad...
A nice enough day, though very cold with a high of 4 degrees [MEDIA]
2 degrees and blue skies, forecast for a nice day
Lovely sunrise through scattered clouds, 4 degrees and not a breath of wind, forecast is for a nice day, hope all are well after the storm.
8 degrees, dry but very windy, had to go to the doctors this morning, the car was being blown about a fair, bit, stopping in home now with the...
Calm before the storm here with the sun out, gentle breeze and 9 degrees, storm due ti hit at tea time and may last for 24...
Where's this sudden rise in temperatures gone then? Still 3 degrees up here, just had an Eskimo go by the window looking lost......................
Naw snaw here, replaced by wild, wet and windy, it is however snowing heavily inland, my grandsons in Perth have been out with a sledge all...
Just had a walk round the village, the roads and foot paths are sheet ice, very dangerous, the council have not been gritting. Parts of Stonehaven...
Zero degrees just now and the sun is trying to peep through the clouds, gentle breeze and no snow, the storm is forecast to reach us tomorrow.
We have an Amber warning for snow and ice, possibly over 2 foot of snow in the hills and glens with half that at lower levels, hatches battened down!
1 degree and cloudy, have seen the sun...........very briefly, clouds look full of snow or sleet I think
I've just noticed our Money tree is going to flower after over 20 years................I wonder if I will get some £20 notes lol.
Minus 4 inside the greenhouse last night, the ice on the pond is thick enough to walk on. We had half an inch of snow, with more forecast tomorrow.
Minus 1 and sunny here, naw snaw yet
Separate names with a comma.