The markings on dunnocks are more muted and look like little black dashes @katecat58 . They have pinky legs too. Heads are smaller than a male...
Your nuthatches are much more monochrome than ours @hydrogardener, but still lovely little birds. I'm lucky that I've been getting some in the...
You can get ointment for that @Liriodendron ....:heehee:That'll be good @Michael Hewett. It would certainly be useful having a cheaper time for...
It's smaller flats, and properties suitable for single folk and young couples that's needed - UK wide, but that doesn't make them 'loadsamoney' so...
A foggy start again, but the frost has all lifted. O'night low was 1 degree [just getting to 3 degrees now at approx. 8.30 am] with a predicted...
They say sparrows are certainly in decline in many areas, which is a great pity. We have all sorts of hedging around here - hawthorn, privet,...
Another frosty/icy, and foggy start here. O'night low was minus 1 [zero just now at approx. 8.10 am] with a predicted high of between zero and 2...
I've yet to see one of those huge inflatables last more than a week at most here. I don't know why they bother, but maybe it's hope over...
My sister also apologised to me @simone_in_wiltshire , many years ago, for not being nice to me growing up. It's how it is and I can't change...
That sounds like a good compromise @lizzie27 - with the metal brackets for a rail. :blue thumb: Glad the steps are firm too- don't want you...
I couldn't cope with the flashing lights @Victoria. That would send me into meltdown. The ones in the gardens and windows of a couple of folk...
I think women often had a very miserable life back then @NigelJ , although that would never excuse your grandmother's behaviour. A life of...
It's a horrible story @NigelJ , especially about your mother. I once said to someone who also had an unpleasant mother, 'just because you're...
I collect my daughter on a Tuesday night from work, as she'd otherwise have to hang around until almost 10pm for the bus - if it shows up. I do...
As you have ivy, that would rapidly cover any fence, assuming it's one of the more vigorous ones, so you'd need to consider that if planting the...
I just realised the position of your posts/handrail @lizzie27. That doesn't look right at all. They're far too far to the right of the steps. I...
Another very frosty start. Everything is well coated and looks very pretty. O'night low was minus 5 degrees [ minus 1 just now at approx. 7.55am]...
An annoying thing happened to me yesterday. I had to get 2 new tyres, and had booked them with BlackCircles, which I'd not tried before, but I've...
I'm also an introvert, and always found being at parties impossibly difficult when I was younger. Mind you, I could do with a bit less rain at...
Anything will do for covering it - plastic bags, tarpaulin, carpet etc. If you have large bits of cardboard you can use those with some compost...
Separate names with a comma.