hi geoffthose are fantastic, will definitely look out for echiums in the future.i've been to that nursery and thought it was brilliant. got...
just found lily beetle on my fritillaria for the first time :( , there was also one on an iris so i'm guessing they like them as well. but...
hi wise old owl, nice pic [img] but can you tell me what thay is.we visited tatton park yesterday and they had some in the greenhouse and...
we sometimes have seed swaps at my horticulture class, so i reckon people would give some spares to be sent off.is there anything in particular...
thanks walnut, i can only garden in pots so the mint is at my mercy...i quite fancy some vervain though - prosperity and eternal youth!
having rapidly realised that these are useless to grow strawberries... i have a strawberry pot free and would like to plant herbs in it.i have...
what an amazing pic miraflores- the pink veins in that are amazing, what kind is it?I have lost the sink now - i had to move and had no room for...
Hello,can anyone help me with an organic cure for root rot- I am guessing its Phytophthora. It has killed of a few of my pelargoniums in the...
those look lovely - mine are just starting to flower but unfortunately they are spanish brutes and taking over my whole garden - still I guess I...
thanks for the advice - unfortunately they were in a seed tray and not in individual pots, but needs must etc...I think it was probably the root...
Hi,can anyone give me any advice about potting on morning glory seedlings?I have tried with some of them but they wilted minutes after coming...
Hello,I found a cherry seed last year and just put it in a pot not expecting anything but it germinated and is now in its second year... is it...
glad to hear that they are in wales - should be a matter of days before they reach us here in Liverpool... i don't get so many swallows over my...
Thanks for the advice - will try that today. Unfortunately the only warm room also has the only sunny window at this time of year!might be back...
Please help!My pelargoniums, which have been brought in to the house for the winter, are dying :confused: . They seem to have crown rot -...
I bought a circular calendar thingy which when you rotate it gives you sowing (indoor and outdoor), planting out, harvesting times, soil types etc...
Hello,I would really like to introduce some carnivorous plants :D (eg sarracenia, sundew and pinguicula) to my garden and I have a Belfast...
Thanks for all your kind advice.I will definitely look at getting some temp work in the Spring, and I admit that self-employment has often...
Hi Paul,I'm sure I can find some seeds for you if you'd like. I know that I have lupin seeds - it was a nice pink one - but I'm not sure it...
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