Brilliant day on Anglesey today. RSPB's South Stack with it's dramatic vistas and it's colonies of Guillemots, Razorbills & a few Puffins, Choughs...
Nice.Hate to tell you @amancalledgeorge it's absolutely ****ing it down in North Wales at the moment (which is why I'm sitting inside typing...
I see she laid a third egg on Sunday, the day of my first visit this year, and the day I was really lucky to witness the male of the pair catch a...
Several Swifts over RSPB Conwy yesterday. Today saw an Osprey catch a fish in Porthmadog and then a flock of Whimbrel in Criccieth.[ATTACH]
More Tulips looking good after rain.[ATTACH][ATTACH]
Another Tulip made so much more interesting after a rain shower.
This very uninteresting Tulip has been made so interesting after a little rain shower.
One of my most favourite albums. Saw the Ash more times than any other band.
@pitter-patter All our tulips are my wife's department. She says our Ballerina are all pure orange. She thinks the bi-coloured ones were in a...
Damn this rain. But then again ......[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]
Yes thankyou - he's virtually back to normal now. But my wife's voyeuristic habits seem to have died hard!
So pleased with the first one @cactus_girl we've now bought a second one. The first one seems to have become fully utilised monitoring our old (&...
Camassia with visitor[ATTACH]
Saw my first Pied Flycatcher of the year today. Always a joy.
Ladybird waiting for Camassia flowers to open
Ospreys were definitely there last year ..... I watched them through my scope from the roadside.
Watching telly last evening and my wife suddenly said "don't move but just look out the patio door" - and there sat on the top of the rotary...
Separate names with a comma.