1. Roders - NEWMARKET STALLION2. Jarbax - YOUVE BEEN FRAMED3. Kandy - GATE TO ANYWHEREVery difficult again this month!
Love that last one LOL - very different. Not good for the blood pressure to have that many young men around in the heat you know ;)
Cant believe shes a year old Suedobie - she has grown into a beautiful young lady alright [img]
Looks like a very interesting place to be WOO - lovely photos. Shame about the railway going through your woods though :(
SIR BOBBY[img][img] [ 04. June 2007, 06:16 PM: Message edited by: Marley Farley ]
Wembley Stadium Roof[img]
Lovely painting Rosa - youve captured her so well [img] Floyd is a beautiful dog [img]I have a 13 year old Sprocker Floydgreg, who has had...
Looks great Dendy - quite large too by the looks of it - well done Mr D [img] Your gardens really starting to fill out too [img]
[img] :D :D
Sir Cliff [img][img]He has a lovely fragrance too [img]
You see, I havent a problem because I just pop into the local GC several times here and there and just buy 1 plant at a time - went there 3 times...
What a wonderful story - not over yet by any means with all the adventures THAT gorgeous face will take you on ;) Glad his previous owners were...
Fantastic pics LOL - that Morning Glry is an amazing colour, even if it is a nuisance [img]
Great photos HA - such pretty flowers. The Lizard Orchid is fascinating - Ive never seen anything like it before [img]
Hi Windy [img] I grew sweetcorn last year in between my perennials and roses at the back - they didnt grow much widthways so didnt take up much...
Great pics - havent been down that way for ages - youve made me want to visit again [img]
Whilst trudging round a fishing lakes open day in the rain ( :rolleyes: ) I found these [img][img][img][img]
Some of my days are just like that - only I dont get even more done! [img] :rolleyes:Excellent [img]
They certainly look good quality Kandy. If you save any seeds from that last Aquilegia, I wouldnt mind some ;) :D
Love the new pics Rosa [img]
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