Crikey, it was difficult this month!!1. THE LIGHT DAWNING - DAVEW (I think the colours are wonderful and just the right changes made.)2....
Wonderful1 They must take up lots of your time but bet theyre worth it! Well done to you [img]PS Where about are you in somerset? [img]
Wow BM!! Youve certainly inspired me and will show this to Mr M later :D Fantastic pics too btw [img]
I think they look gorgeous even before the flowers come out! ;)
Very interesting thread - I would plant them all in a tub too and just see what appears!!
Hi Carol - I chopped mine down the other day cos they were entwined with the passion flower and the whole lot was about to fall down anyway!!...
That second ones very pink!!!!! :eek: Never been in one, have you, Rosa?
Really lovely photos elaine - you look very happy and I wish you many more years of good health and happiness together [img] xx
Close your eyes and go back in time... Before the Internet or the Apple Mac. Before semi-automatics, joy-riders and crack.... Before SEGA or Super...
Still scrumptious then Meg? [img] An d what a clever girl you are too! I suspect the springer bit in you will throw a couple of spanners in the...
Sorry - double post again!! [img] [ 26. September 2007, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: marge ]
Whizzed out and took a couple of snaps of just the leaves - what do you think?[img][img]
Oh I love that polar bear Rosa [img] [img]
Sorry for my bad spelling (renegades)! I get carried away with typing [img]My dad died when I was 2 - his surname was Grey. I have never...
sorry, double post! [img] [ 26. September 2007, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: marge ]
Cold no 7 be this? I have a huge one, as you can see :DSpiraea x cinerea 'Grefsheim'[img]
Am enjoying this thread! What a garden of renegates you have Paula! Get them to do their own clearing up next time ;)My father was born in...
Oh gee - thanks Strongy :D :eek: :D
TURKISH DE-LIGHT SUNSET[img]copied sunset and islands and flipped them adjusted brightness and contrast[img]
Separate names with a comma.