Thankyou, @fairygirl for your suggestions. Good idea re soil not disappearing as quickly as compost - I will try that, too. Next summer, I will...
Well the bit that alarmed me, @Stephen Southwest, was the lack of charging points, and then the requirement that an app be used at a service...
Thankyou, @JennyJB, I must admit, if I do get a 3rd year out of them, I will consider it a bonus. I resent spending lots of time and space on...
I am glad you are now settled and happy, @Sheal, but goodness so many hoops to jump through. I felt my heart rate go up just reading it. I think...
Sounds interesting, @Fat Controller, thanks!
Thankyou, @CarolineL, yes it was 2022-2023 I remember when many plants succumbed all over the place. I will have a look at those too.
@Stephen Southwest, it was on a BBC radio 4 consumer programme this week. Quite informative. I am all for moving away from fossil fuels. It is the...
Thankyou, @pete, @JennyJB, @fairygirl . Ok, let me check I have understood: as long as the growing medium is not too dry or moist, could I get...
Thankyou, @fairygirl, that is good news - I have the liquid feed ready on standby for next year.
Electric charging points are still few and far between and apparently the situation in parts of Wales is particularly poor. From what I have...
Thankyou, @CarolineL, yes the leaves and buds on yours reminds me of a climbing honeysuckle, rather than spiky looking rosemary. That is a shame...
Thankyou, @waterbut, very helpful of you. The system in England is a major reason why I find the idea of moving house so stressful and off-putting.
Thankyou, @fairygirl, I do check the bulbs in autumn and divide them/sift out rotten ones etc. It sounds as though my partial compost top-up in...
Thankyou, @pete, hopefully I have some JI compost left to mix with the ericaceous compost. Re the high potash feed after flowering until the...
Hello @JennyJB again ........I will be using porous terracotta pots this year, as I found plastic ones became a bit too wet. once I had moved...
Oops glitch. Tbc...
Thankyou, @JennyJB , yes the stuff I used to buy is the Westland Bulb Planting & Potting Mix (added zinc and grit is highlighted and you are...
I like your Grevillea, @CarolineL. Would you say it is easy-going? I have often thought of growing one of the Grevilleas. Nice to have some...
How would it work for someone in England wanting to move to Scotland? Would it be easier than buying in England, from the point of view of...
Thanks - I think I only usually get between 2 and 4 years out of most of the daffodils I grow in containers, so could be worth a go.Do you feed...
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