No, when I moved back to Oxford to houseshare with my daughter, we didn't have the space for the large cage. I now have another French Bulldog...
I have the seeds, never grown them.
Pamsdish. Flipping typo !!
Thank you.Yes, l remember Pamddish.
I believe you mean Jeune Flamme. I have a few l could spare.
Do gardeners still swop tomato seeds?
Is there a Tomato Swap 2021 ? I used to enjoy swapping my seeds when l was a member a few years ago.
Been a few years, lots has happened. Good to see a regulars are still here
Same here, lovely and sunny, off to have coffee with friends and a natter. Then a relaxing facial :snorky:. Sitting room cleaned early before it...
Evening everyone. My a very sticky evening. Sweating profusely, busy day with a bootsale. Sat watching TV on the bed whilst knitting. Making bed...
My 2 new Lovebirds, Bo and Blue.[ATTACH]
I too have been up with the lark.:snorky: Laundry washed, just waiting to hang it out. :thumbsup:Bo and Blue are waiting for their breakfast and...
Hello everyone, yes, l am still in the land of the living. Everything is going well in my neck of the woods. Latest addition to my house, a pair...
Morning. Only know that is cold outside !!. I am in the warm, knitting bed socks.
Hello everyone, yes, it's me Liliana.... Things are about the same. Only a couple of years older. Got myself a French bulldog called Gigi....
Morning all :spinning:Just popped my head 'round the door.Hope everyone is good, this miserable dank morning.Take care.:imphrt:
Morning All :spinning:Yes, it's me..... well at least I think it is, my head tells me something else. :yikes:Been out at 7.30 am got the last...
Have i missed something? What is a zigger ?
Evening all:spinning:I have ventured from under the quilt..... Temperature is plummeting quickly I will be under again soon.Had good news...
What are you trying to say Wiseowl ?:scratch:
Separate names with a comma.