@''M'' not chosen anything yet, moved a climbing rose 'wedding day' on the the right hand side, also have a trachelospermum jasminoides in a pot...
We already had the seating on our deck just moved it down the garden, we got it from our local garden centre in the sale after summer
Finished this the other weekend, total cost about £180 [ATTACH]
There is a hardy fuchsia 'The Tarns' would be ideal for your situation
Just taken me 3/4 hour to water the garden, expecting rain on friday
I have 2 olive trees both in pots planted at the same time, 1 is doing great but the other as hardly any leaves on it, they are on our deck south...
Yes @Scrungee thats the stuff instead of calling it MPC they should call it mulch,should have known really, picked up some bowers compost from...
What I do for my clematis is 3:1 mix 3 parts good quality compost & 1 part John Innis no 3 I picked some up the other week from b&q total...
Hi @noisette47, I was lucky enough to meet Vince and Sylvia Denny at there house/nursery, what a lovely couple, I came away with loads of...
This is the problem I'm going to have next year, I well be telling any buyers what is in the sale when they come round to view, will be taking...
@noisette47 pictures 5&6 or Broughton Star raised by the late Vince Denny pictures 9&10 or Octopus [Atragene group]
I only have a 8x6, but when we move I'm looking at getting a 12x10
A few of my early flowering clematis [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
My fuchsia listAdinda Annabel Autumnale Blacky Blue Angel Bronze Bank Penninsula Caledonia Cape Cornwall Carmel Blue Celtic Beauty Cherry Pop...
fuchsia riji 2001 [ATTACH]
pick these up yesterday. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] this is a list of fuchsias I got, floen de neige, sal n pepper, president stanley wilson, F....
Looks fantastic, I have found that Clematis 'Apple Blossom' does take time to get establish, but worth the wait.
finding new homes for 10 new clematis and 22 new fuchsias.
How many years has the clematis been planted, mine as been in 3 years and its put on the best show this year
Clematis Apple Blossom and Clematis armandii [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.