Good morning @wiseowl , @shiney and everyone. The sun hasn't got this far north yet, it's quite chilly and cloudy this morning, should brighten up...
Hi and welcome @daisybelle, looking forward to seeing more photographs soon.
Heyup young Tony and a hearty welcome from posh WY! Looking forward to you posting soon, after all us Tykes have to stick together :ccheers:
Good morning @wiseowl , @shiney, @moyra and everyone. Lovely sunny morning here @wiseowl, even if it is a bit chilly. Have a good day everyone.
I can't agree that tomatoes have a very high watering requirement. I water mine no more than twice a week and have a great crop. The secret is to...
Morning @shiney, @wiseowl and everyone, it's a sunny if cool morning here in WY, just the kind of morning for a long walk with Bailey. I hope that...
Hi and welcome @wishiwasskinny As @pete says leave the gap under the front and probably sides and rear of your shack. Have you considered paving...
@shiney, read and understood. I will have a look at it tomorrow. By the way, the blackberry and apple pie was delicious!
Good afternoon everyone, late again! Hope that you soon get better @wiseowl. Thanks for the heads up about R85 @shiney, I will be looking into...
A lovely sunny good morning to all. I am a bit late posting this morning, the sun was shining so Bailey and I went out for our walk before...
Good morning @Apple Blossom and everyone else. It's another dull start to the day here in WY but that's the weather, not my spirits. I have...
Good morning to @moyra and everyone. I had to drive back from the coast yesterday and it was torrential rain all the way on the M62, I don't want...
Good morning to all and touché @wiseowl, what a truly wonderful country we live in. We are away to @lollimac land later this morning to spend a...
My dear @wiseowl, how terrible of me to try and persuade the sun to leave you for me when I have so much natural and man made beauty on my...
PHannah opened Rogers secret envelopePEEPS
Ditto for here as well @Fern4.
Good morning @wiseowl, @moyra and everyone. Your morning sun is in WY today @wiseowl, and I am going to talk him into staying here for a while!...
This part of WY was cloudy early on today with a few spots of rain but the day has progressed to a beautiful evening, albeit with a strong breeze.
Separate names with a comma.