Hi PJA all the best with your garden Snowdrops are nice under your pear tree but have you thought about Growing nasturtiums not only are they are...
Hi i had similar spots on mine but it was not a bay but a red robin shrub like yours in a pot so i used ,3 times a week water and milk for the...
Hi cistus are among the most drought tolerant of shrubs. This, and their ability to thrive in poor, stony soil, makes them ideal for...
Hi i know some do cut the grass but personally once October comes i never bother cutting the grass till march i make sure to weed and feed...
Pine trees are beautiful but the Pine needles can kill grass because they deprive the soil and roots of oxygen, water, sunlight, nutrients, and...
Never used it but found this on net hope its of some use to youHow to Use Neem Oil on Houseplants - How to Use Neem Oil on Houseplants Make...
Sorry did not knowPrevent, identify and treat pear tree pests and diseases in ... www.gardenfocused.co.uk/fruitarticles/pears/pest.php In...
No but i read its avisable not to use or download this app as its easy for scammers to fraud people but they might have improved it making it...
Hi yana hardly any leaves on my red robin was free of black spot it must have got like that over first few weeks in winter i thought oh no my...
Hi the link works ok for me sorry it dont for you v but it seems comp have there own mind wether they wont to work or not lol:hapydancsmil:
A common problem with pears is the presence of small black spots on the leaves. These are called “pear leaf blisters” or simply “leaf spots”. They...
Hi yana I rather use natural things instead of chemicals so when ever i have any spots ,meldew etc on my plants i use milk and water and it...
Hi loofah some birds like crows and gulls kill and eat frogs but most likley it was a cat. Frogs aren’t exempt from your cat for instance if...
Hi gizmo The kind of improvements you can make to your council property depends on the type of tenancy you have. Introductory tenants are usually...
Hi gizmo found this site Aphid damage makes the leaf look twisted and distorted. Hose them off into the water or take off the infected leaves....
Hi that looks great well done:star:
Hi gizmo sorry to hear nieghbours blame you when their cats ill but thats so unreasonable .many cat owners should know some things about cats...
Yes some cats can be a nuisance but really the onwers if they wonted to could not really stop the cat unless they kepted it in doors permanenty...
Hi thanks pete
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