Looks not bad what do you think?
Hi i dont know but you could look at this site 5 Best WiFi Repeaters 2023 | Get Our #1 Pick For Just £39 [IMG]...
Hi love my chicken love your cat it simular to mine tiggs who died last year[ATTACH]
Hi they are winter hardy but you can plant them in pots fill a pot loosely with potting mix. ,put bulbs side by side (not touching), pointed end...
Hi its most likely some sort of pest : it looks like slugs but it could be Caterpillars, the larvae of moths and butterflies, feed on leaves...
Hi jowo i bought a acer around 3;years ago it was a pot miniature Acer palmatum Golden Bark Japanese Maple Bi Hoo - not like yours but...
Hi do not feed it , trim it and, cover the top to keep the roots warm during winter it might sprout in spring but you might have destroyed some...
hi its a lovely tree but have you watered it recently? these trees need water it looks it needs it if any of the tree looks like its deseased...
Hi a warm welcome[ATTACH]
While most animals will be wary of chilli as its hot slugs and worms and even some mice will have a nibble i would lay some trapsdown once i...
Yes, it dies back then regrows when spring arrives. You can encourage it by giving the crown a good dollop of well-rotted manure or some garden...
The way the weather is its unpredictable i going to cut some of mine back protect the roots with bark or newspaper put as many as i can in the...
Some are so fat and big yuk
Hi some i do but tend to leave some for the wildlife over winter but i do protect their roots i use bark,if i have any but i tend to use...
look like liverwort growing with lichen not 100% sure though
Hi i have been on a few cruises but not a saga but my daughter has and she said they are good
They are strong God made birds stronger than they look A bird can survive even with one leg not always dothey fly well after but the fact you...
Hi would say also growing conditions and storage also seen this How Do You Stop Potatoes From Being Bitter? If you’re looking to stop potatoes...
Hi i looked on the the net and some said temu were not very good yet others said they were ok so i thought i give it a try as most where...
Thanks didn't think of ebay good old eBay
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