Ooer Vicky, I'd always thought that you were a bit on the exotic side myself :)
Hymenocallis Sulphur Queen[ATTACH]Scaevola[ATTACH] [ATTACH]Lily Connecticut King[ATTACH]IndoorsPelargonium Graveolens[ATTACH]...
DianthusDevon Wizard[ATTACH]Whatfield CanCan[ATTACH]I'm proud of these two because I grew them from seed and I love the markings on...
Hi @Andy1100xx ,Welcome to Gardeners Corner :)::sign0016:Don't be sorry about asking questions, that's one of the reasons we're here....
Well done @Sian in Belgium :)But, just to point out, it has to be grown in shade otherwise you don't get the sparkling white with green tips,...
Hi @ARMANDII , that looks very pale for " Patty's Plum ".
Hi @ricky101 , I purposely left out Lady Boothby as it needs support and is classed as a climber/scrambler ( also quite small flowers , part of...
Hi @hidunc@ntlworld. com , first of all:sign0016:Welcome to Gardeners Corner :)Well, now your asking... there are probably hundreds out...
Hi @Purple Streaks , I think it's a bit late now. This was posted almost 8 years ago :)
Hu @Honeybee ,Welcome to Gardeners Corner :):sign0016:
Hello @Aberdeen_Gardener ,Welcome to Gardeners Corner :):sign0016:
Hi @pete , which one is it please? I've a P. Quadrangularis I'm waiting on to flower but I think yours is a little pinkier .
Sorry Kevin :)
Hi Keith,1) Is a Penstemon, there are hundreds of these all with different leaves, so thet are hard to identify until they flower. Generally the...
Your garden is just stunning Philip. Keep up the good work it really shows that you care for it :)
Welcome back Tim. It looks like a nice garden you have there, just got to put your own stamp on it now.Good Luck :)
Hi @Daniel Jones ,Welcome to Gardeners Corner :):sign0016:
It looks like a wild type of Geranium but the leaves are wrong for Herb Robert.
Hi Mark, welcome to Gardeners Corner :):sign0016:
Thanks @landimad , you've got quite a good selection there but at the moment I'm focusing on the Species and interspecififc crosses ( species x...
Separate names with a comma.