I went to the GC last week for compost for a bare root rose due to arrive in November and to be planted in a large pot. They had no JI no 3 but...
Today I planted a couple of pots up with narcissi and pansies, then cleared out the wall manger basket. I had bought some coir liner off a roll to...
I had both jabs in the same arm on Tuesday and no reaction at all.
BBC Weather app forecasts hurricane force winds
@cactus_girl, that banner was not there half an hour ago.
Same here!
@ArmyAirForce, that looks like the whisk from my Kenwood Chef!
@BB3 I think it depends if you want to remove the seeds or not.
No offense, but in the 2nd picture is that a weed growing next to it? Probably best to remove that if it is.
@Penny_Forthen, if it's a top fitting one you may need to replace the rubber bung kind of thing that the mount screws into. Google top-fitting...
Thanks @Allotment Boy.
Thank you @fairygirl.
Thank you @Butterfly6 for a very comprehensive answer.
Thank you @ViewAhead
Thanks @Plantminded, will do.
I think I will try a mixture of a third each JI number 3, ericaceous and MP. Just bought a bag of ericaceous to pot up an Azalea so would like to...
Thanks @ViewAhead, I was wondering about ericaceous. I don't thi k it's going to get done today so I will have a Google.
Nozomi is moved, bulbs planted and courgette pots emptied - I now want to go back to bed. It's cold out there today.
Sorry @ViewAhead I thought most new ones were combis.
I have a dwarf Abies Koreana (Either 'Wellenseind' or 'Kristalkugel', can't remember which is which) which needs repotting but I'm not sure which...
Separate names with a comma.