Bloody cold is what that is "snow dig"Rusty
Hi Pewe,you can add any brown material, cardboard, paper (shredders better). Don’t put glossy magazine type paper in though. Rip it up into...
I have pricked out all the chillis, sweet peppers and aubergines tonight. Got a bit cold though so I’ve had to come in. Rusty
I would also give it a feed and top dressing at the same time. Rusty
Wow that is a lovely GH. Rusty
I watch a lot of gardening videos and DIY/Woodworking channels. I went on yesterday looking for ideas to make a trug for collecting veg. Found a...
I’ve used premiere seeds last year and most of my seeds are from them this year. Really good value and great service. I have had really good...
I made this one last year where it is attached to the greenhouse frame with hinges and then folds down when I start planting into the soil. I no...
I can’t see a difference. Rusty
The front panel fell off the dishwasher earlier in the week. On further investigation the kitchen fitter had only used 2 screws instead of 6. The...
I find that it can get very expensive very quickly though :th scifD36: Rusty
Really grey with sleet showers all morning, now snowing and generally wintery and cold :snow: Jobs in doors today. Rusty
I have turned the compost for the last time and this bin is now closed and will be used to mulch the border in front garden. I have started off a...
Good question. I will prick them all out when ready and see what happens to them. Rusty
Chillies are up and doing well. Sown on 13th Jan.Lemon drop - 100% germination [ATTACH]Royal Black - 80% germination. [ATTACH]Cyklon -...
Grey and dull 5 deg. Snow is still on the ground and is slowly shifting. No frost forecast until Saturday, so hopefully it will be gone by the end...
Great space and looks like you are making good progress. Do the chucks have any covered area so that they can get out of the elements, be it rain,...
New potato buckets arrived today.[ATTACH]Rusty
Snowball fight with the kids in the garden this morning. Then after thawing out did a few chores. We have just finished a quiz via Zoom with the...
Complete white out here on overnight and snow still falling quite heavily. I was planning to start pruning the apple trees today. [ATTACH] Rusty
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