Weeded out the area where the dahlias are. I don't lift them just leave them and over the years they have continued to flourish. However all said...
Cut off the 6 old flower stems of Beschorneria yuccoides...only 6 foot long! Removed a mass of ivy growing on the wooden posts (no bird nests we...
Yet another plant we can't grow. They just disappear and not because the slugs/snails get them. We never see them again.
@Dovefromabove sorry too far away. Our best harvest 3 years ago was 29 globes! We have had to sow new ones this year so the number of globes will...
Mine is christmas cake and pudding taken from the TV Upstairs Downstairs. Made big mistake the first year I followed the recipe for the...
We have just had our first globe of the season. Had to share as only one was big enough so cut it to allow the others to develop. Had garlic (from...
We love to find foxgloves that have self seeded in our garden. We never know whether they will be the beautiful pure white or the traditional...
@fairygirl Many thanks I have book marked the web site and will keep an eye out. The net curtain we have put up seems to be doing the job at the...
We have over many decades been fascinated with stones that have "holes". They are amazing and the way that nature has worked on them to produce...
Started to weed an area and then felt an irritant on my face. Thought nothing and then it seemed more. Went indoors and found the lower part of my...
@JWK outside isn't an issue. We and they are moving around and outside is their habitat. Inside though the buzzing can be very annoying as they...
@pete I agree about all the other things that can be added.....but all I do is to collect the flowers/fruits then infuse them in boiling water for...
@pete we also have in the conservatory many insectivorous plants with the view that we like them but they can also catch the flies. But many times...
We have a conservatory with one single and one double door. Over the years we have used the magnetic fly curtains when the doors are open to keep...
We gave up doing potatoes some years ago. Lots of work and little return. 3 years ago we decided to try again and went with pink apple fir. Again...
@pete No idea but the wonderful thing about primroses is that when you take the flowers they just keep on producing more. So this year we made 5...
Managed at last to cut the paths in the orchard. It has been so wet we couldn't get the mower out but thankfully we can now walk through the...
Don't know the variety but with our lettuces we don't pull up the whole plant we just take some of the outer leaves and then the plant continues...
Wood avens, Geum urbanum, seem to like our garden this year....it is everywhere so we have been pulling it up when it is in the wrong place.
One of the beautiful poppies. [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.