Harvested our first pea beans. They are always slow to get going but once they do we usually get a great harvest. Have to wear long sleeves and...
@Busy-Lizzie wish our relocated hedgehogs would do their job here in our veg area. Working near one of our ponds suddenly an adult frog jumped out...
Yesterday we had 2 little egrets flying over the garden in synchronised flying...have they been watching the Olympics? Then 3 buzzards in a...
Could be wrong @wiseowl but looks like a kestrel.
Finished the cutting of the road side hedge that was done poorly by someone we paid a lot of money. Just wish drivers would be considerate about...
We continued to remove and then move the ivy cuttings. Took 8 wheelbarrows to move it to our "slow compost" heap in the orchard. Still lots of ivy...
Many years ago we made an archway between our boundary and the farmers. Just a window if you like. Then again after a long time we were able to...
When we have surplus of plums and grapes I seed them and freeze what I can't bottle/jam/wine. They always come out really well. Toms? Never have...
Well truly depressed now. So many fabulous photos of amazing harvests. This year has been and continues to be the worst year we have had for soft...
@pete FABULOUS We bought one many years ago very small and used it as our Christmas tree in the house much to the dread of our two sons. We used...
Again no we get weeds in a variety of composts.
@pete No they have only just started flowering. So late as this seems to be the same with many of our plants this year.
Well I would say that our morning glory plants are looking good today. They are flowering with a lovely deep blue. BUT....they don't seem to be...
Well trying to do the impossible again. Sowed yet more swiss chard outdoors as very few germinated. Then in the polytunnel sowed different...
@strongylodon you are amazing with so many spectacular photos of so many different animals. It must be where you live that gives you this...
Yes you can bring unwanted into your garden by buying unwanted plants but then you can do that with wanted plants. We have had so many issues with...
We bought our magnolia grandiflora and Catalpa bignoides at £1 and 50p from different nurseries many years ago. They are superb specimens now. We...
One of our Spanish friends tells us about the pampas weed. It has taken over so many areas to the detriment of other local plants. As a child we...
Some peacock butterflies on the blue hydrangea. Juvenile GSW on the feeders. Different butterflies now being seen, speckled woods, gate keeper,...
A self seeded hollyhock that is nowhere near any other hollyhock. Vibrant colour with the yellow pollen falling. [ATTACH]
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