A couple of books situated in the South Africa of apartheid times;A Separate Development by Christopher Hope and Riotous Assembly by Tom Sharpe....
And as false as the promises made by Boris since Theresa May announced her decision to quit!I cannot express how much I enjoyed the debacle in...
Campanula 'Paul Furse'.............. [img]Campanula 'Paul Furse' by longk48, on FlickrThankfully a self seeded Polemonium pauciflorum...
I agree, it's Pentas.
What are your winter lows? Along with Agapanthus I would add Alstoemeria. Also Eremurus........... [img]Eremurus by longk48, on Flickr...
Kirengeshoma palmata I think.
Eucomis noid.............. [img]Eucomis noid by longk48, on FlickrSalvia involucata 'Bethellii'............... [img]Salvia involucata...
Democracy is not democracy when one side misrepresents the truth (at best, more often than not just lied) for their own advantage prior to a...
Another point made that shows the distorted view of EU membership that large numbers of the UK population have been fed and bought into (once...
One sentence that proves that the referendum was undemocratic! Democracy is based on truth, not the lies that Boris, JRM and the rest of the cabal...
Nothing to do with Project Fear whatsoever, just commonsense and very basic economics. The EU cost the UK nine billion in 2018. Compare that to...
Does it have a name?
They'll come soon enough.
Love discovering new music - thanks!These first two always make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up............. [MEDIA][MEDIA]Taken...
Yes they do. Good in shade too.
Alstroemeria isabella "Fred Meyer" is finally in bloom! Very, very late though................ [img]Alstroemeria isabella "Fred Meyer"...
The slugs have mullered mine this year! What do they taste like? I put figs in my porridge. I've just spotted flowers forming on some of mine.
It's so nice to see other people growing Tricyrtis and that looks like a nice one :blue thumb:
Echinopsis subdenudata.............. [img]Echinopsis subdenudata by longk48, on FlickrMore Ismene festalis/Hymenocallis x festalis are blooming...
They do have a degree of hardiness in the right spot (ie; sheltered) in the right part of the country once established. I agree that it is...
Separate names with a comma.